Member Showcase: Meet Brian Smit

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Meet Brian Smit!

Brian is not only one of our Founding Members but also is a Wealth Advisor at Pinnacle Wealth Management located here in Sioux Falls!

He became a founding member of The Bakery because he believes in the idea and the concept Clint Brown and Brian Rand communicated: A collaborative space where people from different backgrounds and areas of expertise can come together to make ideas and dreams into real businesses. He has no interest in talking about ideas when nothing comes of it. He gets excited when people have great ideas, but in addition to that they are willing to roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty to make the ideas a reality.

When asked how Brian would benefit from The Bakery he replied, “Conceptually, I hope to benefit from being a member by elevating my thought processes and learning from leaders in other fields which will make me better at what I do. Tangibly, I hope that I am able to contribute to molding great ideas into something substantial and be involved with successful new businesses in ways I can provide value.” We then asked Brian Smit to tell us something about himself that he’d like the rest of The Bakery community to know. He said, “I share too much detail whether people are interested or not. My wife tells me that when someone asks the time I have to tell them how the clock is made!”

What’s Brian’s go-to caffeinated goodness you ask? He drinks black coffee all day long. “When you grow up on a farm, you don’t use sugar and cream. When a horseshoe stands up in the pot, the coffee is ready.”

Welcome Brian. It’s great to have you!

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